Lloyd Robertson interview tonight at 6 pm

Our recent chat with Lloyd Robertson will be broadcast tonight at 6 pm on 100.9 CanoeFM or online at http://www.canoefm.com. The second airing of the interview will be next Tuesday at 11 am.
It was a delightful chat and Lloyd was a most approachable person which made it very easy to have a more relaxed conversation.
Lloyd Robertson

Hope you can catch it tonight at 6 pm, or Tuesday morning at 11 am.

A chat with Lloyd Robertson

I kinda excited. This morning …’bout 45 minutes from now, I get to talk to the longest-serving news anchor in the world, Lloyd Robertson.
Lloyd will be doing a book signing at Harmony Farm on the May long weekend (24th) and we get to chat with him about the book, and about his amazing career.
lloyd 3
Well into his 70’s (he’s a zoomer) he’s going strong on W5 for CTV.
Our interview will be broadcast on CanoeFM later in the month. Stayed tuned.
Excuse me, I’ve got to get ready for his call.
What fun!

More thanks

It was quite a finish yesterday morning. The CanoeFM Radio Hall was full to overflowing with lovely people. It turned out to be quite a lovely “roast”. What fun it was, and how nice to see so many good friends from so many parts of the community. Emails continued to come in today and I am very overwhelmed by the kindness people have shown.
I feel like a little lost boy today, wondering what it will feel like next week. After the tumult, today I’m feeling much more emotional about it all. I will miss talking with so many friends in the community.
Thank you all.

Two guests on Canoe FM this morning

Carol's pic
Today on the Reeve’s Report, Carol Moffatt will be our guest. Carol, reeve of Algonquin Highlands and Warden of the county will bring us up to date on activities and issues of importance just after the 8am news.
At 8.30am we’re delighted to have Dale Goldhawk chat with us. Famous for his “Dale Goldhawk Fights Back” radio program in Toronto, Dale is a featured speaker this morning in Lindsay at an event for Community Care.
Lorraine McNeil is our co host as we take to the air waves 7 to 9 am this morning. Hope you can join us for a spell. We’re at 100.9 or live at http://www.canoefm.com.

Ian Tamblyn our guest on CanoeFM this morning!

Shawn Chamberlain co-hosts this morning, and we’re looking forward to our phone chat with Ian Tamblyn, right after the 8am news.
Ian began writing songs, short stories and plays as a teenager. Since that time he has recorded twenty- nine albums, cassettes, and CDs and written over 1500 songs.
Ian will be appearing at the Dominion Hotel, sponsored by the Haliburton County Folk Society, this Thursday evening.

We’ll be live this morning, 7 to 9 am, on 100.9 Canoe Fm.
without you it ain't radio

Closing out September and Starting a New Week

Yup, last day of the month today … and we’re on the air from 7am to 9am. Hope you can join my Monday co-host, Shawn Chamberlain, and I for a coffee and some radio chat.

Just after the 8am news Brigitte Bebauer of Community Care will be our guest.

We’re live at 100.9 CanoeFM and http://www.canoefm.comMike at the Mike copy

Friday morning …. phew, we made it!

Boy that’s been a busy week, and today on CanoeFM we have guests galore .. Brian Daoust joins us after the 8am new to chat about the upcoming Radiothon for our hospital foundation and about 8.30 the two organizers for Minden and Haliburton Terry Fox runs will be in to say thanks to the community.
Shawn chamberlain can’t make it in today and so Lorraine McNeil will be with us, ’cause she knows how lonely it is so early in the morning.

Lotsa fun to wrap up your week … join us 7 to 9 am on 100.9 CanoeFM. http://www.canoefm.com
He's a good egg

Chat with Fred Eaglesmith after the 8am news

We pre-recorded a chat with Fred Eaglesmith and we’ll share it with you this morning. Not the best quality I’m afraid. I did it on the phone at home (not the preferred method) .. despite the poor quality the interview was one of my favourites and I hope you join us and bear with us during the conversation.fred Eaglesmith3
Lorraine McNeil and I will be live from 7 to 9am on 100.9 CanoeFm and http://www.canoefm.com
without you it ain't radio

Jane Bunnett interview after the 8am news

Jane Bunnett is coming to the Northern Lights Pavilion this Friday night with her Afro/Cuban musical extravaganza. We are delighted to have her as our phone guest this morning following the 8am news.

Tickets to her great show are available through madeinhaliburton.ca. Find your groove to some wonderful rhythms with multiple Juno award winner and Grammy nominee, Jane Bunnett and friends.

Join Lorraine McNeil and I for a fun morning of radio on 100.9 CanoeFM.
We’re also live at http://www.canoefm.com.
without you it ain't radio


Thank gosh it’s Monday. After a rainy night, the weather is supposed to clear, so that’s good news too. High of 13C today.
This morning, Shawn (Chamberlain) is baaack. Shawn will join us after the 7am news. We’ll be live from 7 to 9 am on 100.9 CanoeFM or on the internet at http://www.canoefm.com. News, weather, community news and a bit of fun – this morning.
A reminder … book your Hike Haliburton choice ASAP. Many of the hikes are getting full or are at full. It’s going to be a great weekend of outdoor adventuring. Go to http://www.experiencehaliburton.com/hike-haliburton-festival/
Have a great day!